
Cornus mas

Cornus mas



Habitat / Home / Areal

A shrub growing to a height of 2m – 6m, frost-resistant, self-pollinating, light loving

Botanical description

Habitus: The crown is wide, irregular, the bark is light brown at first, later dark brown, the bark is gray-brown to black, split in a network along the edges, it deviates from the trunk.

Leaf: entire margin leaves, arched veins, in autumn the leaves turn yellow, orange and red.

Flower: blooms in March, before the leaves develop.

Fruit: large stone, elliptical, sour, red in color, ripens in September to October

Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care

Rocky slopes, dry and well-lit forests

Use / Function and landscape

  • solitaire
  • hedge
  • first spring food for bees

Special use

in medicine, destilate production – “drienkovica”


Seed, cultivar splits


Cornelian Cherry cv. Elegantnyj (Cornus mas Elegantnyj), Cornelian Cherry cv. Koralovyj Marka (Cornus mas Korałłowyj Marka), Cornelian Cherry cv. Flava (Cornus mas Flava), Cornelian Cherry cv. Vydubieckii (Cornus mas Wydubieckij), Cornelian Cherry cv. Dublany (Cornus mas Dublany), Cornelian Cherry cv. P5 (Cornus mas P5), Cornelian Cherry cv. Yulyush (Cornus mas Juliusz), Cornelian Cherry cv. Shafer (Cornus mas Szafer), Cornelian Cherry cv. Bolestrashytskii (Cornus mas Bolestraszycki), Cornelian Cherry cv. Svetlyachok (Cornus mas Swietljaczok), Cornelian Cherry cv. Slovianin (Cornus mas Słowianin), Cornelian Cherry cv. Pachoskii (Cornus mas Paczoski), Cornelian Cherry cv. Yantarnyj (Cornus mas Jantarnyj), Cornelian Cherry cv. Macrocarpa (Cornus mas Macrocarpa), Cornelian Cherry cv. Yolico (Cornus mas Jolico)

Diseases and pests

Leaf spotness Phyllosticta, Septoria, Ascochyta, Ramularia Cercospora, Bacteria Pseudomonas