Habitus: A linden tree can grow 25-30 cm. Young trees have thin, brown bark, while older trees have cracked, dark gray bark. It has a deep root system. The canopy is regular and wide.
Flower: The linden flowers are bisexual, yellow in colour and of regular shape, collected in a paste-like inflorescence. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks, the fruit is a round, worm-coloured nut with several seeds inside.
Leaves: the leaves are heart-shaped and dark green. They dry on the tree in the autumn months but do not fall off until the end of winter.
Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care
it is necessary to place the seedlings in places where sunlight reaches or partial shade is formed. It can tolerate slightly acidic soils, but alkaline, moist and well-drained soils suit it best. Young trees need to be watered for the first 2-3 months, and older trees are drought-resistant.
Use / Function and landscape
Solitary planting
Planting in groups
For tree rows
A fruit of an interesting shape for arranging
Honey plant
Special use
Tea can be made from linden flowers, which promotes the excretion of fluids from the body and expels toxins from the body.
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