Dendrology Lab
Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’
Densely branched conifer, frost resistant
Habitus: It has naturally upright narrow columnar crown, it grows to 7-15 m, the crown is conical to irregular, the bark is gray to reddish-brown
Leaf: needles are yellow-green on their top, twigs are green and brown
Flower: not dominant, blooms in March and April, male cones are approximately 3 mm, round, visible in the axils of the needles in autumn
Fruit: deep red, not edible
Shade-tolerant undemanding for soil nutrients, tolerant to drought
By seed
“Aurea” (yellow needles), “Adpressa” a “Adpressa Variegata” (short needles), “Fastigiata” a “Fastigiata Aurea” (columnar), “Dovastonii” (overhang limbs), “Repandens” (low with horizontal limbs)
Fungi – dying out and falling needles – Cryptocline taxicola