It occurs from lowlands to higher elevations, grows to a height of 20m to 30m, lives approximately 150 years, occurs from lowlands to 1100 m.a.s.l., light-loving
Botanical description
Habitus: bark yellow-gray, sparse, ovoid and wide crown, straight trunk, bark is gray, smooth, sticky torn, deeply fissured at the base of the trunk, dark gray to black bark, sparse conical crown
Leaf: leaves are round, broadly ovate, irregular to coarsely toothed, the petiole is long and compressed on thin petioles
Flower: the leaves are dark green oval and toothed on the edge, lighter from below, alternate, the leaf blade is 3 cm to 8 cm long, the petiole is 3 – 7 cm long, compressed from the sides
Fruit: spiral buds, sessile, oblong-ovate to conical, long sharp spikes, blooms in March, lamb-shaped flowers, small, green capsules with many seeds, with 2 valves
Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care
pioneer species, abandoned pastures, pastures, it lives for approximately 150 years, the shoots are yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, shiny,
It grows on humid, rich soils, has strong root growth
Use / Function and landscape
Fast-growing, dioecious, deciduous, light-loving tree
reclaimed wood
a landscape element, especially in the autumn months
Special use
unsuitable for park and garden landscaping
suitable for landscaping
fibrous wood, used in the paper-pulp industry, suitable for the production of matches
energy fuel, production of wood chips as a renewable energy source
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