Flower: buds slender and pointed, flowers are inconspicuous, ovoid, shortly pointed, blooms in May at the same time as the leaves develop, flowers are monoecious, male flowers in catkins
Fruit: the fruits are hard spiny cups with two three-sided nuts that contain an edible core
Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care
Widespread in the foothills, in lower zones, clean beech forests, does not like poor and acidic soils, shade tolerant, least endangered species, monoecious
Use / Function and landscape
suitable for shaping bonsai trees
an ornamental tree of parks – a dominant feature
a hedge tree
Special use
Making furniture
F. s f. purpurea “Atropunicea”, “Roseo” – Marginata (pink leaves), “Rohanii” (narrow tooth red leaves), “Asplenifolia” (cut leaves), “Fastigiata” (narrow columnar), “Pendula” (cascade overhanging), “Purpurea Pendula” (red overhanging leaves)
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