
Crataegus monogyna

Crataegus monogyna


Crataegus monogyna

Habitat / Home / Areal

Deciduous shrub, low tree, grows to a height of 2m – 10m, grows in temperate biomes, the crown is hemispherical to irregular

Botanical description

Habitus: Young branches are reddish-brown, with sharp prickly spines, 15 to 20 mm long, trunk bark is gray to gray-black, white wood with a reddish tinge is hard, firm and heavy.

Leaf: The alternate leaf blades are inverted ovate in outline, wedge-shaped at the base, with irregular 3 to 7 deeply incised lobes. The leaves on the fruiting branches have a blade 15 to 40 mm long and 10 to 30 mm wide. The lobes are entire-margined, only at the top with a few coarse teeth. The blade is shiny, dark green on the face, gray green on the back.. There are bundles of hairs in the axils of the vein.

Flower: Erect apical inflorescences with 10 to 20 flowers are on glabrous stems. The flowers, with corolla petals about 6 mm long, are up to 15 mm in diameter. The sepals are triangular and are longer than they are wide.During flowering, the flowers are characterized by a penetrating smell.

Fruit: they are elliptical to spherical pomes on short stalks, 8 to 12 mm long and 6 to 10 mm wide, have floury flesh, the fruits contain only one seed (stone) and ripen in September to October

Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care

fields, pastures, forests, thickets, shade tolerant

Use / Function and landscape

  • hedges
  • tolerates cutting

Special use

In medicine, production of tinctures




(C. monogyna × C. laevigata),  ‘Paul’s Scarlet

Diseases and pests

Dark brown spotting, fungal diseases scarlet hawthorn – Fusicladium pyracanthae