It is naturally distributed in most of central Europe, and also grows in western and southwestern Asia.
Botanical description
Habitus: deciduous tree, it is close to plants such as wild chestnut, guarana, hops. It has an upright, slender tree that can grow up to 20 meters. The maple’s crown is thick and oval-shaped. It has well-developed side veins that are shallower but wide. The trunk of the maple is more than 1 meter in diameter, and the bark is about 1 cm thick, brownish-gray and smooth, later becoming dark brown and shallowly furrowed. Maple buds are small and pointed, red-brown in color and shiny, with hairy edges.
Flower: Maple flowers are monoecious, sometimes unisexual and sometimes bisexual. They are gathered in upright racemose inflorescences, yellowish green in color, and they are made of five leaves of the calyx and corolla, they have 8 stamens, the pistil has two necks and an overgrown carpel. The fruits are one-seeded, with two petals joined at an obtuse angle, and ripen in September and October.
Leaves: The leaves are opposite and simple, on thin petioles 5-20 cm long. They have pointed tips, a blade that is divided into 3-7 ragged lobes with a jagged edge. Their base is heart-shaped, their face is light green, and the reverse is lighter. In autumn, before falling, the leaves take on a golden yellow or reddish color.
Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care
It thrives in almost any soil, except sandy or stony. Maple trees are tolerant of large temperature fluctuations, but they do best in colder climates.
Use / Function and landscape
Solitary planting
Planting in groups
For tree rows
Fruit of an interesting shape for arranging
Special use
Maple is a honey-bearing plant, the honeydew maple is the most honey-bearing of all other types of maple.
The most famous way of using maple in the diet is in the form of syrup. It is also often used in the production of furniture, musical instruments and sports props.
It can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, aerial layering and grafting.
Acer platanoides Drumondii
Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry
Acer platanoides Royal Red
Acer platanoides Emerald Qeen
Acer platanoides Globosum
Acer platanoides Princeton GoldĀ
Diseases and pests
Diseases: anthracnose, tar spot, wilt disease
Pests: pear thrips, aphids, Japanese beetle, caterpillars
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