
Cedrus atlantica

Cedrus atlantica


Pinaceae - conifers
Cedrus atlantica
Atlas cedar or Atlantic cedar

Habitat / Home / Areal

It is widespread in northwestern Africa (Algeria, Morocco) in the area of the Atlas and Rif mountains, from 1000 to 2000 m above sea level. It was introduced to Europe in the first part of the 19th century. 

Botanical description

Habitus: Evergreen tree; asymmetrical canopy. They grow pyramidally in youth, and asymmetrically in old age; severely cracked bark on older trees; the colour of the needles varies between varieties: grey to blue silver, golden yellow, snow white (when young). It grows up to 40 m in height. Branches stand horizontally, tips and twigs fall at the end.

Flower: unisexual, blooms in September and October. The flowers are yellow-brown, cone-shaped, and release pollen in August and September. Female flowers are upright cones up to 7 cm long, about 3.5 cm wide, slightly concave at the top, initially yellowish green, later purple. They ripen after two years, contain winged seeds whose wings are 2 cm long

Leaf: needle-like, bluish-green, rigid, about 2.5 cm long, flattened and bent, gathered in clusters

Growth conditions / Cultivation / Care

Deep humus soil, moist and well-drained places; normal, slightly alkaline soil; moderate climate; sunny habitat


Use / Function and landscape

The essential oil obtained by steam distillation of wood is used in aromatherapy, mainly by dermal application. It is a good lymphotonic, it is used in case of weak lymph flow, varicose veins and cellulite, or in preparations for hair care and treatment of dandruff. The wood is of good quality and valued, suitable for processing and for making furniture, it has a strong and pleasant smell that repels pests.

Special use

It is planted as a solitary tree or in group plantings (cemeteries, city parks), and it is also suitable for beds, terraces and rest areas.


Original species are propagated by seeds that require stratification, cultivated species are propagated by grafting.


C. atlantica ‘Columnaris’

C. atlantica ‘Pyramidalis’

C. atlantica ‘Pendula’

C. atlantica ‘Glauca’

C. atlantica ‘Aurea’